Our clinically proven tinnitus relief technology can help you
alleviate the ringing in your ears.
If you have a hearing loss, there is a good chance that hearing aids will both relieve your tinnitus and help you hear. With our clinically proven tinnitus relief technology, we can change the way you respond to tinnitus and help you alleviate the ringing in your ears. Our small, comfortable in-ear devices are equipped with an advanced tinnitus sound generator and are designed to deliver all-day relief from tinnitus.
What does tinnitus have to do with hearing loss?

An estimated 90% of tinnitus sufferers experience some degree of hearing loss. Hearing aids are helpful for many2/5people2/5who have hearing loss. The better you hear, the less you notice your tinnitus. Your brain hears other sounds making tinnitus less noticeable.
What’s that ringing in my ear?
It is a sensation of sound generated inside your head that only you can hear. Some people experience it occasionally, while for others it is with them constantly.



What causes tinnitus?
Tinnitus has many causes. More than 90% of people have some degree of hearing loss, though many are not aware of this.

Exposure To Loud Sounds

Earwax Blockage

Reaction To Medication

Injuries to Head Or Neck

Untreated Medical Condition

Can tinnitus be treated?
With our clinically proven tinnitus relief technology, we can change the way you respond to tinnitus and help you alleviate the ringing in your ears. Our small, comfortable in-ear devices are equipped with an advanced tinnitus sound generator and are designed to deliver all-day relief from tinnitus.

Central Hearing Clinic
4600 No. 3 Rd #135, Richmond BC V6X 2C2
604 303 0607
Monday - Friday : 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday & Statutory Holidays: Closed